
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Power of The Word

Is there Power in the Word of God?
Scripture tells us that In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1).  In the chronological bible these are the very first words you read!  So, what does that mean?  God was the Word & Word was with establishes His Power.  For by His words creation was started, by His words all things come to be.  Scriptural references throughout the entire Bible say by His Words or God said.  Even National Geographic December 2011 issue understands there is Power in the Words ("You don't have to be a Christian to hear the power of those words...")
Now text alone does not produce power but what it means does!  Reading the Bible is a way to know God's Power and how He has established you in all things.  God's Power is one that is not easily understood and that is why we choose to read His Words, gaining a better understanding of His Love, His Ways, His Commitment to us, His Grace, His Mercy and His Power.  We can all continue to learn more and more as we take time to be in His Word.  I find myself closer to my Maker only when I am seeking after Him whole heartily.  Not only being in His presence, but reading His Word has genuinely helped to transform those that put forth the effort to learn more of Him.  Even though His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts, for He is greater than anyone can imagine, we are able to get insight in our daily lives that encourages us to be in His Will for our lives. 

How do we learn anything?  By putting a priority on the thing we wish to learn!   Putting our energy towards & focusing on that thing we desire to learn.  So regardless that we finite beings may not comprehend all the ways of an infinite God, we have to seek after our relationship with Him so that He can reveal each day His Love and Power for us.  By our example we are able to show Jesus' Love to others.  It is by His Power not ours that we can obtain Love for others.  By nature we are not able to share love in a way that is life changing, but the Love of Christ can!  How can we ourselves get there...only one way, knowing our Heavenly Father.  So by His Words were all things created and By His Words we are taught how to Live!  The impact I have seen even on Facebook of sharing God's Word is miraculous!  Some of the scriptures just posted on someones status has brightened days, encouraged others, or allowed for new relationships.  All in "Sharing the Love", which we are called to do...this is what it's about!  The Word of God and God being Love leads me to believe that to be United with God in Love we have to first learn Him to understand what Love actually is. 
I do know that the Bible's text is not the only way to Jesus, for He Calls Us, but I do feel that the encouraging words, examples of Love, Grace, Mercy, and Power are placed where we have complete access to learn more about these wonderful traits!  When I read some of the most miraculous Ways of our Lord it always gives me peace and comfort in Him. 

How are we able to share this very thing with others?  Buying them a Bible...maybe, Sharing the Love...yes, Doing by example...yes!!  Let us continue to share God's Word in All Ways especially to those who need uplifting.

I have to fess up and tell you I have had some conviction in my heart with Organic Christians T-shirts and Products.  As the Lord laid on my heart to start designing Christian apparel, I have found it difficult to design them exactly the way I wanted (haha funny I know...the way I wanted).  Well of course my wonderful Guider has now given direction in the importance of His Words and how we can share them in all aspects of our life.  So even though I have went back and forth with placing scripture on shirts, I know without a doubt this is what should be done.  The encouraging status updates on Facebook, the way each person has their own life verse they hang onto dearly during trials, and knowing the Power of God's Words...I am 100% certain we all should be sharing them with others. 
Can't wait to see His Plan!!
Love & Blessings

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Is Harris Teeter better for Organics and Buying Local?

Well after my disappointing trip to Food Lion, I decided to go back to Harris Teeter.  I have purchased alot from them lately simply for their large selection and don't forget they DOUBLE coupons up to 0.99 everyday!  So for my family Harris Teeter seems to be the way to go for not only organics but if you coupon, it's totally worth an extra few miles!
Harris Teeter does offer their own brand of organic/natural food!

They even carry their own organic milk as well as Organic Valley (our local farmers produce for them so that would be my first choice to promote local businesses)!!!  They actually even have sales on their organic products so it is not as expensive as the "name brand" organics. 
I was so impressed with not only their selection but that have taken great effort in promoting their local farmers and specifically identifying the produce with the farmer.  It makes you feel like you have some connection in helping them and their family.  Since not all of us are able to go the local farmers market and many times it is seasonal, Harris Teeter is a local company selling local products-HOORAY!
Just a little note on their customer service which for Mooresville is awesome!  They are willing to help in any way they can.  Even the cashiers are up to speed on the coupons that don't double and warn you in advance...take a guess how I know!
In the produce section they have degradable vegetable bags which is just another extra step they have taken to be earth friendly. So all in all I will continue to shop at Harris Teeter if I can't buy direct.  Super happy to share my grocery adventure with you and do be more aware of who you are shopping with.  Many companies list on their website how they are helping the community!  Our money is better spent on folks that care about us!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Grocery Shopping-Where to find Organic?

Last week I started researching the local grocery stores to help provide some info on what is available and considered local in our area.  The three major stores that have started in NC and have kept their corporate offices here (creating jobs for us) are Food Lion-Salisbury, NC, Harris Teeter-Matthews, NC, and Lowes Foods- Winston Salem, NC.  Each carry their own line of organic food and do promote local farmers by purchasing seasonally from them.

Per their website they promote local is some info!  However, I am sadly disappointed in the one in Mooresville.  I am not bashing the store as I have shopped there for years but in my quest for a better lifestyle have decided Food Lion does not offer the items in which promotes an organic, natural, or sustainable way of living.  I was able to locate a few items "All Natural" Organic but seriously less than 10 items in the whole store.  The organic products they carry from other companies such as Newman's Own (only 2 choices) was placed at the bottom of the display so that unless you are looking specifically for it...forget it you won't see it!  Their produce section has somewhat tried to emulate Harris Teeter with the information posted about the local farmers but failed to mention anything about what they bought from them.  At least with HT they post the farmers pics and info with the products so they genuinely wish to let the consumer know where there food comes from. The only benefit in going to FL is how close it is to our home but I believe the cons out way the pros in this matter!  Needless to say after many years of shopping there, I am internally urged to take the extra few miles into Mooresville for Harris Teeter/Lowes Foods.  I am hopeful that I will have an opportunity to speak with someone at Food Lion and request more organic food but we shall see! 
Chile peppers, tomatillo, daikon radish, yellow and green squash
Christmas wreaths, roping, and centerpieces, Fraser fir Christmas trees, pumpkins, cantaloupes, cabbage
Mixed vegetables, focusing on sweet potatoes, greens and cabbage
Strawberries, blueberries, grape tomatoes, cantaloupes, squash, cucumber, eggplant, a variety of peppers
Cabbage, potatoes, watermelon, ornamental gourd, pumpkins, Christmas trees
Strawberries, blueberries, bell peppers
Sweet potatoes, cucumber, peppers, cantalopes
Tomatoes, strawberries, sweet corn, bell peppers, cantaloupe, squash, zucchini, pumpkins, banana pepper       

My plan is to provide you with a little more information on the stores in this area I have personally shopped at.  If we can share more info we have a better chance of knowing our options.  I am a bargain/coupon shopper and want to include that into buying organic...can it be done????

Monday, October 31, 2011

What's in our Food?

What are we EATING?
As I have stumbled across many documentaries about food this past year, I have determined that... I HAD NO IDEA! This started with Food Inc. last summer (July 2010) in realizing the industrialization of our food and how farmers have slowly been put out of business or made to do unethical practices to stay in business (so terribly sad to say the least).

A little background first off...

I started gardening about 9 years ago when preganant with my first child. Where we live we are surrounded by large farms and my husband grew up in a family farm (it had dissolved by the time we got married). With 10 acres, my heart geared towards making baby food for this precious gift we were about to receive, and truly broke financially this seemed to be a great way to be productive for my family. First few years were great. We invested in a chest freezer and I was able to make all of my daughters baby food and provide veggies for us throughout the years. Then in the summer of 2007 my company (Logical Tactics) had grown to a point that harvest time was just a waste. I had no time left in the day and let that springs hard work of planting and sowing deteriorate. To my demise it lead to my second child eating some food I had stored in the freezer but mostly jarred baby food. This was almost 4 years ago and I am seeing the effects of my son & daughters eating habits tremendously. My son will eat a handful of foods like chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, ranch dip on everything, pizza, and occasionally a fruit or veggie. Mostly he enjoys carrots for sword fighting not eating. My daughter on the other hand could be a vegetarian. She has enjoyed salads since age 2 and continues to clean her plate no matter what I put on it!

Okay so what does all that mean? I did a garden this year and was able to can, freeze and cook an abundance of fresh produce that grew in my own back yard AGAIN!! On late nights I would look up several documentaries concerning food, going green, simple living, etc. This has become a huge priority for me and my family's choice for a healthier lifestyle. Educating myself on what truly is in our food has explained many reasons we have a lack of energy, sickness, and days where we are just plain lazy (more than I care to count). There are many new factors I was unaware of in the processing of food and the actual Food Chain being disturbed because of it. I will hopefully be able to post some comments and ideas on the information I have obtained by not only documentaries but internet research.

Here are a few movies I found interesting and hope you will too!

All of these movies tie together a huge picture for me...What are we doing to God's creation and are we on a self destructive path? Many things have been brought to light for me and I want to do something about it. Why sit by ideally when my children's future is at stake? Now the questions is just what to do?

More to come later (Save the Honey Bees, Buying Local, Label GMOs on our food)

This post was from my personal blog on 9/27 but I had to share it and now I know WHAT I AM GOING TO DO ABOUT IT...make a difference!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Making a Difference

This blog and websites pertaining to the organic lifestyle came about with much thought and consideration. God has shed light on so many aspects of our daily life that I had no idea of and to be quite honest and feel a little ignorant after learnng. Many stepping stones have been laid out in my life for this new journey so perfectly!
The big question for me is now that I know, "What do I do about it?" The easy answer is well there is not a whole lot that I can do it seems too large of a task to truly make a difference. The more I spoke with my family the more I realized God can use anyone to make a difference so don't count yourself insignificant! Since I can remember, I have always desired to make a difference I just was told over and over again it's not possible-you can't save the world ya know! What rings so loudly within me is not that I can do anything but Christ who lives in me can do all things! Relying on him for my every move with this cause I hope and pray that I will not stand in the way of being His instrument whether large or small. We sit idle when God calls us to something. Circumstances may cause you to believe it can't be done or who am I to speak out, but brother and sisters let me tell you that You are God's child and He has designed you to make a difference for His Kingdom and His Glory! Learning your identiy as His Child seems to be a life long process but letting go and letting God is just a choice you make-let me add one of the most important choices you will EVER make! If have passion or are being lead in Spirit to do anything, do not give up or ignore it. Since 10 years old I can recall having a passion for Nature, Conservation, Animals, etc. basically as my husband now puts it a "Tree Hugger". Reflecting back on my childhood I wanted so badly to become a Rainforest Biologist-which you guessed it I was told I couldn't make any money nor could I make a difference! I do know that parents in general do the best they can but I now can see the true importance with my own childhood that we should always encourage and support our children in their hopes and dreams. Bringing up Godly children encouraging them to be led by their Spirit is an exciting journey for parents. We get lost in the secular ways of success and diminish the natural inclination to be led by God in all things. So here is my shot later on in life being led by my "internal heaviness" aka Holy Spirit trying to make a differnce.  Hoping to share God's message through all means He lays along my path!  Lots of prayer and patience (which He is still working on with me as with most people) are going to be needed on this new venture but I am so excited and ready to do God's Work!!

Love and Blessings to you all!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Social Media

We have now added a twitter account and facebook page to the world wide web to find us!!
Not an easy task to keep up with so many accounts but as I research I feel confident I will be able to integrate everything into the main website!!


Widgets are on the way!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Organic Consumers website

In my quest for trash bags I looked on the organic consumers website and was surprised to only see a few listings for North Carolina. Why is it that we carolinians take FOREVER to jump on the bandwagon with ways to help our precious Earth God give to us? With NC State being one of the top Ag and Textile schools as well as being know for farming why are NC consumers not going gangbusters on the Organic Movement.
Here are some of the listings I found for recycling in NC. All business listings for Green Businesses in NC is found HERE
Also found some statistics on our NC waste HERE
- Highly functional Yoga and Gym bags made from pre-consumer t-shirt scraps. (Charlotte, NC)
 • t-a-d-s recycling servce - Working Today for a Brighter Tomorrow - Resource Recovery Services; Serving Western North Carolina. (Clyde, NC)
 • Not Just Paper - Recycled papers.. (Durham, NC)
 • Sweet Organics and Naturals - An Extraordinary Eco-Experience. (Fairview, NC)
 • Green Circle North Carolina - We recycle used Cooking Oil into locally made Biodiesel! Empowering Local Sustainability!. (Garner, NC)
 • Evoljeans-Iwear - Coming Soon!!! Evoljeans-Iwear clothing made for people of short statured (Greensboro, NC). (Greensboro, NC)
 • Chair Caning & Wicker Repair - Restoring Chairs, Footstools, Rockers, Canoe Seats, Tables, Lampshades, and other Caned Furniture.. (Mooresville, NC)
 • Moving Day Boxes, LLC - Moving Boxes and Moving Supplies. (Morrisiville, NC)
 • Cape Fear River Wood Products, LLC - We are a full service/full circle milling facility - recovered wood & sustainably harvested wood. (Navassa, NC)
 • Rain Barrels Intl - Green Eco Friendly Sustainable Water Solutions. (Raleigh, NC)
 • Mortex Apparel Manufacturing - Mortex Apparel Manufacturing - Made in the USA. (Wendell, NC)
 • Eluna Jewelry - Reclaimed Stained Glass Jewelry. (Willow Spring, NC)
 • CompostBinsOnly - Composting information, composters and assessories. (Wilmington, NC)
 • Old Growth Riverwood - Reclaimed Hardwoods & Lumber Mill. (Wilmington, NC)

Inventory your trash

In effort to reduce our trash (believe me it has been quite a bit) I am going to take an inventory of all the items with throw away daily. We currently have a designated trash can to throw away paper products we use for compost but it seems like there is still slot of trash. We consume so many disposable items daily that I truly do not think we realize. I believe that the more we can recycle and reuse the better off we are. It is just making your family more aware of what they are putting in the trash. So let the inventory begin...sounds kind of gross but I think we a little thought we may be able to reduce our trash significantly. We all would like to take out the trash less and reduce the size of the landfills, right? Well let's just see what an average family throws away daily for the next week. Going with a lifestyle to be more natural (simplifying our lifestyle-organically I guess you could say) starts with the simplest things like your trash! I wonder what the cost of biodegradable trash bags are...guess that will be next on the list when we go to the store. Hopefully we will be able go find someone around Mooresville or Lake Norman that carries "organic" trash bags! I will try and post within a week on our findings. Trash to treasure takes in a completely different meaning when you think of the TRUE Treasures you are after for the future of your family and mankind.

Love and Blessings

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Does Christian mean Organic?

Thanks Daniel Klein for asking the question

Does Christian Mean Organic?

Website coming soon

We are working hard on our website so that we can bring you more information that has lead to the Organic Christian way of life.
Take a sneak peek and let me know what you think??

Love & Blessings

What is Organic?

There are various means of organic. Most are familiar with organic food you see at the food market or have heard of the benefits of it from television. I want to share with you other ways of using organic and help to define them and why this word has been heavy on my heart!

When I looked up organic in Wikipedia there are so many ways the word being used they had to categorize them-seriously! Let me give you a couple of examples of how we normally think of organic.
Organic Food is defined as foods that are produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives.

Organic Farming the form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost and biological pest control to maintain soil productivity and control pests on a farm. Organic farming excludes or strictly limits the use of manufactured fertilizers, pesticides (which include herbicides, insecticides and fungicides), plant growth regulators such as hormones, livestock antibiotics, food additives, and genetically modified organisms

The list seriously goes on and growth for businesses, organic certifications, organic chemistry, organic computing, organic military...catch my drift the list is amazing. Knowing this word organic has many meanings I am shocked to find out that an Organic Church was not categorized in Wikipedia.

An Organic Church is closely defined as The Simple Church movement is an Evangelical Christian movement that seeks to redefine the nature and practice of church.
The movement claims to be "a Christ-centered community established primarily on relationship both to God and to the other members of the group."[citation needed] In doing so it discards many aspects of conventional expressions of church, which is considered beneficial by some, and problematic by others. This gives those in the movement the opportunity to focus on what it considers to be the core practices of Christian spirituality.

Books that help to describe this movement of Organic Churches:
Revolution by George Barna
Reimagining the Church by Frank Viola
Organic Church by Neil Cole
Pagan Christianity by George Barna and Frank Viola provides background history of the Church and why it is failing
Christless Christianity by Michael Horton

This is just an intro into how an Organic Lifestyle (one made by choice) is a natural way of living that God intended for us orginal. As we grow as a society we have forgotten the simplistic nature of existing with God. Instead we have tried to change to orginal blueprint of life to conform to our ways. God has placed and created all things perfectly through nature to exist together.

  • Have we forgotten He has provided our every need?

  • How can we make a difference in the world as Christians to live a more susatainable life?

  • Are we so wrapped up in the secular world we have forgotten God's ways?

Being my first post here I would love to carry on but I do want all people to understand the trendy word "Organic" is no more than the Natural Way God Intended!!!

Thank you Lord for what you have given to us here on earth. Thank you for providing our every need each day. Help us to realize the beauty of perfection you have created. Forgive us precious Father for not understanding the importance of being a good steward of your creation. Continue to guide your children in ways that we can share your Love and Mercy with others. Direct our paths in ways of righteousness so that all choices we make are Glorifying to You and Your Kingdom. In Jesus' wonderful name. Amen