What are we EATING?

A little background first off...
I started gardening about 9 years ago when preganant with my first child. Where we live we are surrounded by large farms and my husband grew up in a family farm (it had dissolved by the time we got married). With 10 acres, my heart geared towards making baby food for this precious gift we were about to receive, and truly broke financially this seemed to be a great way to be productive for my family. First few years were great. We invested in a chest freezer and I was able to make all of my daughters baby food and provide veggies for us throughout the years. Then in the summer of 2007 my company (Logical Tactics) had grown to a point that harvest time was just a waste. I had no time left in the day and let that springs hard work of planting and sowing deteriorate. To my demise it lead to my second child eating some food I had stored in the freezer but mostly jarred baby food. This was almost 4 years ago and I am seeing the effects of my son & daughters eating habits tremendously. My son will eat a handful of foods like chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, ranch dip on everything, pizza, and occasionally a fruit or veggie. Mostly he enjoys carrots for sword fighting not eating. My daughter on the other hand could be a vegetarian. She has enjoyed salads since age 2 and continues to clean her plate no matter what I put on it!
Okay so what does all that mean? I did a garden this year and was able to can, freeze and cook an abundance of fresh produce that grew in my own back yard AGAIN!! On late nights I would look up several documentaries concerning food, going green, simple living, etc. This has become a huge priority for me and my family's choice for a healthier lifestyle. Educating myself on what truly is in our food has explained many reasons we have a lack of energy, sickness, and days where we are just plain lazy (more than I care to count). There are many new factors I was unaware of in the processing of food and the actual Food Chain being disturbed because of it. I will hopefully be able to post some comments and ideas on the information I have obtained by not only documentaries but internet research.
Here are a few movies I found interesting and hope you will too!
What's on your plate (11 yr old girls make a difference)
The Future of Food (this link is actually the whole movie on hulu-you just have to wait on the advertisements to go away)
Life Running out of control (full movie)
Change your food, Change your life (a lady that chose to go vegan this link is the 1 of 9 clips - she has some real common sense info on what you eat is important)
The Cove (high levels of mercury in dolphins hid as other food - horrific holocaust of dolphins) The movie trailer for The Cove
All of these movies tie together a huge picture for me...What are we doing to God's creation and are we on a self destructive path? Many things have been brought to light for me and I want to do something about it. Why sit by ideally when my children's future is at stake? Now the questions is just what to do?
More to come later (Save the Honey Bees, Buying Local, Label GMOs on our food)
This post was from my personal blog on 9/27 but I had to share it and now I know WHAT I AM GOING TO DO ABOUT IT...make a difference!!
This post was from my personal blog on 9/27 but I had to share it and now I know WHAT I AM GOING TO DO ABOUT IT...make a difference!!
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